
The German Dance Association invites you to the Tanzpreis-Kultursalon at PACT Zollverein on Friday, October 11 at 7 pm.

The Kultursalon offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about the art and work of this year's award winners and honorees and to engage in conversation with them. Sasha Waltz will receive the German Dance Award 2024, Dieter Heitkamp will be honored with a lifetime achievement award and explore dance - Netzwerk Tanz für junges Publikum will be honored for outstanding development in dance.

The evening will be enriched with dance by the explore dance production “Move More Morph It!”, choreographed by Anna Konjetzky. “Move More Morph It!” is a mobile pop-up production for young audiences aged 8 and up and poses the questions: Who, how and what can I be? A body sets itself to music, providing the soundtrack for a journey through different identities, self-designs and fantastic characters. Big effects and subtle sounds trick the perception and arouse curiosity about a creative approach to attributions.

Michael Freundt, Managing Director of the German Dance Association, will lead through the program and engage in conversation with the award winner and the honorees on stage. The laudatory speeches for Dieter Heitkamp and explore dance are part of the evening. The laudatory speech for Sasha Waltz will be held the following evening at the Aalto Theater in Essen as part of a festive dance gala.

After the Kultursalon, visitors are invited to a reception where they can chat and linger.

An evening full of encounters!

The event will be offered with translation into German Sign Language (DGS).